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Before we delve into the first topic of this new blog series, I wanted to firstly thank you for being here, this blog is an extended version of what I send out in my emails, so if you enjoy what you read and find it useful, do subscribe to the mailing list!


I thought it very apt to share some insight on how to embrace the Summer holidays through the use of crystals. It may seem a bit odd to think that merely having crystals can help you either as a parent or someone who just finds this period challenging (pressure to do lots over summer, not having kids and planning your summer around avoiding busy places etc). I have also included some simple techniques which you can try out and practice to help you consciously work on your energy.


I’m going to jump right in and get you to carry out a simple task first. We all have different needs and the most extensive list of potential triggers during this time will no doubt not cover it all.

Task for YOU

1) Schedule a 5-10min break in your day.

2) Use that time to make a list of your concerns for the next 6 weeks of summer.


4) Rank them in order from most pressing to least.

5) If you have children, take time to ask them what they are worried about or what would make them feel like they will miss out on if ‘it’ doesn’t happen.

6) Paint a picture of your IDEAL summer – this could include a few activities you feel would help, a holiday or some guilt free down time.

To help you improve your energy, your feelings towards a particular time in your life or a current challenging situation, the first thing that needs to happen is your awareness of SELF. This will help you identify what the source or root cause of your triggers are.

Once you have completed the task above you can then start working on preparing yourself or your children to work with these thoughts and then selecting crystals to help work through this with ease.


As an adult you may already be aware of your triggers such as the mental load of having to manage kids or activities for yourself over this period. If you only have a FEELING of unease and want to go deeper your list may be too high level. Crystals to help work through this are:



A perfect crystal to help you ‘Ground’ your mental stress. By consciously placing a net around your thoughts you can take back control and select which thought or outstanding action deserves your attention and what can simply wait.

Remember the aim isn’t to clear your head of ALL thoughts, it is to be in control of them and not them in control of YOU.


This crystal helps you to embrace stillness and balance in your life. It represents the masculine energy you all have within you and brings stability and clarity so you can be in control of your time and energy.


A deeply grounding crystal, ideal to help you anchor your energy to Mother Earth. When you are fully grounded in life, you can feel more empowered to work through difficult times or situations but more importantly focus on what really is important to you – during the summer you can get lost in thinking you need to be doing something fancy when the simplest of activities can be as or more fulfilling to your life.


Are you are looking to embrace new practices this summer, primarily around healing and improving your well-being?

If yes, then continue reading to discover my three simple techniques you can try out.

It’s easy to remember; G P S which is short for:


Focusing on these three aspects of your energy and incorporating them into a daily routine will no doubt have a positive impact on your EMOTIONAL, MENTAL and PHYSICAL well-being.

Give it a go and let me know your thoughts in the comments!

How to use crystals to help you connect to the state you feel needs the most attention? Explore the website or book a healing with me, we can discuss your current energetic state, your goals for your mental well-being and how we can get you there in a supported and guided way.


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