Forgive the spiritual high horse-ery here but this really is an important task that we ALL need to be doing.
It's not just for the bendy yoga folk or the meditate for more than 10mins folk, being ungrounded can really cause havoc on our lives and the best thing about it is that learning and executing this technique is quick, simple, and super easy.
But before I share the solution, let’s find the problem…..
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the below, then there is a high chance that you are un-grounded.
Having clumsy moments or incidents
Moments of feeling dizzy or lightheaded
Being overly forgetful
Unable to manifest ideas or goals
Generally, not present in the moment
Although the above list isn’t by any means exhaustive, experiencing one or more of these ‘symptoms’ means you may be energetically ungrounded. When we consciously address our energy, we allow ourselves to operate at our optimum level. The simplest way to think about the importance of grounding is just by looking at any building. The most important aspect of any structure is the foundation. As soon as the foundation is compromised so is the rest. In some cases, it may not be an immediate collapse of a building, in fact it could even take months or years. However, like a building, we do not want to wait until we are close to collapsing before we actively make changes.
So, now that we have identified that you are ‘ungrounded’ here’s an easy guide to how to ‘ground’ yourself. You can do this through a simple visualisation or take it further using crystals.
Add crystals to take the grounding deeper:
If you’re still not convinced or are thinking ‘there is no way, I’ll remember to do this daily’ then I gotchu! Don’t forget, I once was an ungrounding human walking through life wondering why things weren’t going my way.
I lean on these additional methods when my energy is having an ‘off day’. Below is a bonus list of actions to help ground yourself…trust me, try at least one and I guarantee, you will feel the benefits instantly.
Here are a few grounding anklets you can find on the website: