Before we delve into this profound topic I wanted to firstly thank you for being here, this blog is an extended version of what I send out in my weekly emails, so if you enjoy what you read and find it useful, do subscribe to the mailing list!
Do you know who YOU are? Close your eyes, scan over your body and pay attention to your thoughts, do you see ONE person or TWO equally important people co-existing on this earth? The more you stop and observe, the more you will realise that there are two aspects to your SELF, the physical AND spiritual and they are both as important as each other. It is up to you which one you address and let lead your life at any given point.
How can you define these two states of being?
Physical self: refers to your body, your surroundings, relationships and wealth
Spiritual self: refers to your mind, your energy, your purpose in life, spirituality and connection to your soul self
Acknowledging which aspect of your self, physical or spiritual is calling for your attention allows you to work to your highest good.
When you focus too much on one, the other suffers, for example, someone who is solely focused on the physical self's aspects of life such as a job may lose their connection to their spiritual self, which in turn can leave them feeling empty or lost in life, even if it may not feel that way initially. Bringing awareness to these two parts of you helps to bring a sense of balance in your life. It also means that you can understand your needs better.
One can not exist without the other. When you create balance between the two, your life can be more harmonious.
Crystals also carry energy and properties that support these two aspects of life. Yes they are physical in that we can touch and see them, but they are spiritual in the energy they emit and connections they help you create between the two.
Dense crystals which are often opaque and darker in colour (dark greens, blacks and reds) help you to connect to the physical world, your connection to Mother Earth and manifesting all things physical. These are usually referred to as GROUNDING crystals. By wearing or working with grounding crystals you are deepening your connection to Earth, and more importantly laying a strong foundation to your life.
Just as a tree is only as strong as it's roots, the strength of your energetic self is also dependent on how grounded you are. If you are experiencing troubles in life, open to others unwanted energy, feeling disconnected with yourself or surroundings, then you are likely to be UNGROUNDED.
How can a GROUNDING anklet help me connect to the physical ?
Your 'dense' energy centers sit from your naval down to your feet. To briefly touch upon chakras, these are the lower three; Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root.
The frequency of the their vibration is usually medium to low.
The frequency of grounding crystals such as Hematite or Malachite is also medium to low.
When you wear a grounding crystal around your ankle you are matching the frequency to your lower chakras, this alignment helps to work through any blockages or negative energy, as well as enhance your lower energy to allow you to ground deeply.
Contrary to what is out there on social media, wearing grounding crystals as a necklace or even some denser ones as a bracelet creates a misalignment between your faster and higher frequency energy centers and the lower frequency of these crystals. This is why it is wise to think about alignment and matching energy - just as you may do when you are connecting with someone - how often have you felt deflated after spending time with someone who isn't on the same frequency as you?
Lighter crystals which are often translucent, help you to connect to the spiritual. They are higher and faster in vibrational energy, essential to connecting to your soul self.
How can energetically HIGHER crystals help me connect to the spiritual?
Your 'higher' energy centers sit from your 'Heart' up 'Crown'. To briefly touch upon chakras, these are the higher four; Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.
The frequency of the their vibration is usually medium to high.
When you wear higher/faster crystals as a bracelet or necklace you are matching the frequency to your higher chakras, this alignment helps to work through any blockages or negative energy, as well as enhance your higher energy to allow you to connect deeply to your soul self.
If you are an individual that has focused too much on your 'physical' state, wearing crystals such as Amethyst or Labradorite can help you connect to your spiritual self and take you on a journey to learn more about yourself.
For those with low self esteem, usually stemming from physical energetic states (society or your relationships not empowering you to accept yourself) you may find wearing Rose Quartz or Aventurine can help you connect deeply with your heart center, find balance in your life and learn to LOVE you as YOU are.
Wearing higher frequency crystals can really help you move through life's lesson from a more profound and guided perspective. They remind you of the higher purpose and the importance of you and your own energy.
How to use crystals to help you connect to the state you feel needs the most attention? Follow the guide above or book a healing with me, we can discuss your current energetic state, your goals for your mental well-being and how we can get you there in a supported and guided way.